Summary: | Pneumonia is one of the important health problems in most developing
country. The main cause of pneumonia are Streptococcus pneumonia,
Haemophilus influenzae and Staphylococcus aureus. Broad utilizationof
antimicrobial contribute to the changes of resistance pattern of many kind
microorganisms to antimicrobial. Some mechanisms microbial resistance that
sensitive to antimicrobial could made from. Some research reported any
increase of microbial resistance. Research about risk factors related with
microbial resistance to antimicrobial were frequently done in some country.
This research was aimed to determine risk factors are those related with
cefotaxim resistance microorganism in pneumonia childrens who are
hospitalization in Sanglah hospital, Denpasar. This was an analitics research that
use case control design. Subject are childrens diagnosed pneumonia, since
January 2006 until Desember 2010, who are hospitalization in pediatrics unit ,
Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar. The data of antimicrobial therapy, kinds of
microbial resistency and sensitivity to antimicrobial was collected from subject
medical record. Risk factors related with microbial resistance to cefotaxim are
calculated using a computer software. One hundred and fivetysix children were
included in this study. Odds ratio between antimimicrobial used history in three
months before with antimicrobial resistance for cefotaxim is 2.4 with CI 95%