Summary: | Background: Silver handicraft in Kotagede produce three kind products:
household furnishing, cooking utensils and jewelries. In production unit
there are activities such as melting, grinding, rubbing, and polishing. The
fields facts were: there was air pollution, the workers was not wearing self
protection tools, smoking habit, asphyxia complaint, annoyed, allergy, age,
length of works, sex.
Objectives: to knowing the level of total silver dust, concentration of silver
dust in six production room location (A1-A6), the elements contained in
total dust, ventilation and room humidity, the lung function of the workers,
and correlation between level of total dust, concentration of silver dust
with the lung function disorder in the workers of production unit.
Methods: This was descriptive study used cross sectional design. The
subject of the study was all workers at production room exposed b silver
dust, gave a consent to participate in the study and excluded whose had
asthma and coughing history. The number of sample was 63 respondents.
Univariate analysis used percentage, bivariate analysis used Chi Square
Test and multivariate analysis used logistic regression.
Results: The level of total dust was <NAB (threshold value). The
concentration of silver dust was > NAB. The elements found in total dust
was Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cr, Ti, V, Sr, Sn, Zr, Sb, Au, Pd, Mo, Se, As, Ag, Ni,
Ti, Z, W, with predicted diameter of PM10 and PM2.5 (respirable dust).
Bivariate analysis obtained the level of total dust (0.084, p=0.503),
concentration of silver dust in production room (0.254, p=0.044) with lung
function disorder. Multivariate analysis obtained sig 0.049 and Exp (B)=
Conclusion: There was significant direct correlation between silver dust
exposure with lung function disorder in respondents, the workers exposed
by silver dust had probability 3.2 times greater to had lung function
disorder compared the not exposed workers. There was no significant
correlation between total dust exposure with lung function disorder. The
value of total dust was below the threshold value but not wearing a masker
and age had significant correlation with lung function disorder.
Recommendation: In order to that the silver exposure not above the
threshold value, it was need to improve the ventilation appropriate to the
health requirements. It was need of further study on ventilation and self
protection tools with occupational related disorder.