Summary: | Introduction: From year to year, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) cases in the
city of Banda Aceh are increasing. Large-scale outbreaks occurred in 2007.
Community behavior plays a major role for the occurrence of outbreaks in Banda
Aceh. Such behavior is awakened by the perception of dengue prevention.
Perception is also as depictions of understanding and attitude of the people of
Banda Aceh. Five years after a major outbreak, DHF cases are still high in Banda
Objective: To gain in-depth description about the perceptions and expectations
of society against fogging in the eradication of dengue in the City of Banda Aceh.
Methods: This study used a qualitative method with a phenomenological
approach. Data collection was done through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) to
6 people, in-depth interviews with key informants and supporting informants
respectively 10 people and 4 people, and observation.
Results: Most of the people in Banda Aceh, especially those that had not been
exposed to DHF, proved to have a perception that fogging was useful to prevent
DHF and did not support the application of draining, closing and burying. These
communities were still reluctant to prevent DHF through draining, closing and
burying and still relied on the fogging