Summary: | This research uses Dara Jingga (1984) playscript by Wisran Hadi as the
material object. The research is done by using the postmodern parody theory of Linda
Hutcheon. Parody theory is utilized to find the implicit and explicit meanings as a
new interpretation of the mythical and historical background of Dara Jingga script
play. In so doing, it can reveal the author criticisms as an implementation of parodies
in this act.
The result of this research points out that the playscript of Dara Jingga is a
parody of Dara Jingga or Bundo Kanduang myth and Pamalayu history text. Parody
in this script play is a media used by the author to give a critical response toward
power deviation which is done by power regime and its influence to the social system
in Minangkabau. The criticisms toward power that are being passed on among others:
criticizing authoritarian government form which prevents the freedom of expressing
opinion, criticizing the power holder that monopolizes history, and criticizing power
that is carried on with violence.
The problems of power that are commented by Wisran Hadi in this play are
also seen in its relations to social context in Minangkabau. This research sees author
criticisms to some changes happening in the social system of Minangkabau. Several
criticisms to those changes are for example: questioning the truth of Minangkabau's
history dimness, criticizing the shifting role of custom chief, the kinship system
performing and the sapping female position in Minangkabau.