Summary: | Literature with the social life of society is concerned. Novels Rangda the
works of Sunaryono Basuki Ks. is a work of literature that reflects the life of the
New Order regime. The main problems in this study were the excesses of power
usage in the novel Rangda .. Formulation of the problem in this study namely, (1)
The background of existing social and political life in the novel Rangda (2)
excesses of power usage in the novel Rangda. (3) social life political relations that
exist between the stories without novel Rangda. The third formulation of the
problem is analyzed with the sociological theory of literature, so defined goals
and a practical theorist performance of this research. This type of research is a
qualitative descriptive study. This study used two methods, the methods of
collecting data through library research methods and data analysis method which
is the application of the theory of literary sociology. Steps of this study include
(1) determine the object of research. (2) Collect data and then analyzed (3) write a
research report.
Results of this research showed that: (1) in the novel Rangda, there is
political regime of social life, from birth until the end of a regime, (2) a leader in
novel Rangda, when using its power has led to excesses, namely in the form of
making regulations harmful to society, to punish people or people without a
reason or reasons that made-up, providing facilities and preferential treatment to
family, relatives and friends to be able to achieve positions in government and
business in the trade, (3) socio-political life of Orde Baru is life behind the stories
in the novel Rangda, (4) political and social life in the novel Rangda have links
with political and social life during the Orde Baru government, be it starting up,
running and until the fall of the government. Events that occurred during the Orde
Baru government in the story depicted in the novel Rangda. It can be said that the
novel Rangda is a mirror of Orde Baru society.