Summary: | This research discusses about ketakrifan in Arabic by using morphosyntactical
analysis. The aim of this research is to identify the kinds of al lit-ta�rrf and its meaning
in Arabic, describe how the quantity of nominal keta�rifan al in Arabic and its diverses.
This research is qualitatif research using linguistic approach. Research instrument
employed is data card. There are three stages used in this research namely data provision
stage, data provision analysis and the result of data.
This research analyzed al lit-ta�rrf found in Arabic sourced from Novel Mw
Warw� an-Nahr, Thwhw Husain, book �fil- Ma�nw an-Nachwr wal-Ma�nw ad-Dilwlr by
Khalid Ismw �il Chassan and Arabic Journal entitled �Majallatu Majma�il-Lughatil-
�Arabiyati� of thirty first edition by Ibrahim Anrs.
Having analyzed the data research, expressed that (a) al possesses the kinds and
meanings in Arabic namely al Ashliyah, al al-�Ahdiyah, al al-�Ahduz-Zikrr, al al-�Ahdul-
Chudyrr, al al-�Ahduz-Zihnr, al al-Istigrwqiyah, al Libaywnil-Chaqrqah, al al-Jinsiyah,
al al-Mausyliyah. (b) alteration of nominal meaning of al found in several sources of data
namely al al-�Ahdiyah, al al-�Ahduz-Zikrr, al al-�Ahdul-Chudyrr, al al-�Ahduz-Zihnr, al
al-Istigrwqiyah, al Libaywnil-Chaqrqah, al al-Jinsiyah, al al-Mausyliyah. (c) the quantity
of keta�rifan nominal diverse seen from the two aspects both through process and
processless namely morphological and syntactical process. Knowing the quantity of
keta�rifan of nominal is considered strong, if it has been its basis whereas the nominal
through the process of morphological and syntactical process is considered strong, if al
should exist within the nominal.