Summary: | Intravenous Urography ( IVU) or Intravenous Pyelography is a radiologic
procedure used to visualize the urinary sistem the kidney, ureter and bladder
using intravenous injection of contrast agent
The study aims to determine the optimal dose of non ionic contrast agent
Iopamidol 300 that could give the best quality of IVU nephrogram density in the
department of radiology installations Dr Sardjito.
Density at fifth minute sequences of IVU can be measured using Region of
Interest (ROI) on image J, a public domain Java Imaging processing that was
developed by Wayne Rasband and others at National Institute of Health .
The research design is a controlled trial, double blind. Sampling based on
selection criteria for inclusion then do grouping based on the mean body weight
until the desired number of samples met the required. Study subject are patients
who underwent IVU examination in radiology Installations that fulfill on
inclusion and exclusion criterias.
Subject characteristics are described based on age, weight , sex, thickness
of the abdominal wall, blood pressure, creatinin serum and exposure factor . At
low dosage of Iopamidol ( 0,7 cc/KgW) providing quality equivalent to the
common dosage ( 1 cc/KgW) assessed statistically with t �test analysis and
defined statistically significant if p < 0,05.
There are significant differences in the value of significance ( p<0,05)
density quality IVU nephrogram the 5th administration of contrast agent
Iopamidol 300 in the common dosage ( 1 cc/kgW) compared with low dosage (0,7
cc/kgW) on hypothesis testing with independent t �test.