Summary: | The purpose of this study discussed the Judicial Review Act for Peace in
the Outer Court and its implementation. Authority of the notary deed in making
peace, and peace are made in the deed before a notary who has the legal power as
a court decision which has had permanent legal force.
The research was conducted by the normative legal research through
literature study using a qualitative approach to data analysis is inductive, which is
a scientific activity related to analysis and construction are carried out
methodological, systematic and consistent.
Results showed that, (1) Notary deed authorities in making peace, as his
position as a public official authorized to make an authentic deed. Authentic deeds
as proof of the strongest and fullest play an important role in any legal
relationship in public life. Deed for the desired peace is made by interested parties
to ensure the rights and obligations of the parties for the sake of certainty, order,
and legal protection for interested parties. And in the process of peace settlement
of disputes with the deed is written evidence, the strongest and fullest and
contribute significantly to the settlement of disputes quickly and cheaply, (2)
Peace Efforts can be made either before the trial court made, or after the trial court
held both within and outside the court. Peace notarial deed have permanent legal
force, and force eksekutorial with the determination issued by the Chief District
Court contains a command execution so that peace can be executed deed. Deed of
peace, made before Notary has a legitimate legal position on court decisions and
as a means of proving complete. Notarized deed of peace have permanent legal
force, and force eksekutorial with the determination issued by the Chief District
Court contains a command execution so that peace can be executed deed.