Summary: | The purpose of this study is to know marriage of endogamy among the
society of TengananPegringsingan especially related the stimulator factor of the
occurrence of endogamy marital and sanction against violations of
endogamymarital in the society of TengananPegringsingan.
This research is a juridical sociological research that more emphasis on
field research describing the laws that really apply in the society
ofTengananPegringsinganmanaging endogamy marital. Secondary data and
primary data in this study are collected through literature research and field
research, and then analyzed qualitatively. Respondents and informants are
determined a number of 24 (twenty four) selected by purposive sampling. A
number of 19 (nineteen) of the respondents and 5 (five) informants come from
Kelian custom, Kelian agency, Bendesa custom, the head of the village and
Stakeholder or Reverend.
The results showed that, mating systems of endogamy in the societywho
oblige thesociety of TengananPegringsingan marry only with the original
PegringsinganTenganan. The stimulator factors still do marriage of endogamy is
the existence of ancestral traditions, the ideal marriage, ban marriage, and
inheritance rights. The society of TengananPegringsingan who violate the
endogamy marriage system, because marriage with a person who is not from the
village of TengananPegringsingan can be deceived some sanctions based on the
mistakes made. Especially for men in relation to endogamy marital granted
exemptions to take a wife from outside the village of TengananPegringsingan.
The woman was taken to be the wife must meet the requirements in accordance
with awig-awigTengananPegringsingan Village. However, men are still be
deceived sanctions that are excluded from the ranks of the membership and
entered to be kramagumipulangan, whereas for girls of TengananPegringsingan
who married withyouth from the outside village of TengananPegringsingan, so the
sanctions given in the form of the village is a fine amounting to 75 000 coins ,
banished from the village of TengananPegringsingan and inheritance rights and
other rights lost.