Summary: | Along with the development education in the city of Yogyakarta affecting
on the development of boardinghouse business. Right now boardinghouse is not
only focused on the location close to campus, but now has grown up in the
suburbs are even located far to the campuses, so the impact on business
competition among the owner of boardinghouse. Issues that happened is it can be
formulated problems that occur is still a lack of information / knowledge to
determine the location of where you should build a boarding, whether near or far
from the college campus.
The purpose of this research was to analyze faktors that affect student
interest MEP-UGM in choosing a boardinghouse location and to analyze the most
dominant variables that affect the MEP-UGM student interest in choosing a
boardinghouse location. Data used in this research is the primary data obtained
from student questionaires and secondary data from MEP-UGM student data
obtained from generation of the 42-45 academic MEP-UGM campus. Analysis
tools be used in this research is logit regression using the EVIEWS program to
know the attributes or variables that are considered most important or most
influential of the MEP-UGM student interest in choosing location of boarding
Results of research by using the logit regression analysis found that of four
independent variables that is rents, environmental, facilities and accessibility, was
only one variable that does not affect is a variable the rental price. The main
attributes that most influence on student interest in choosing a boardinghouse
locations are environmental factors. The second attribute the most influential is
accessibility factor and the third factor is facility factors.