Summary: | The increasing human need for transportation further increase the number
of vehicle use in the community. The number of such vehicles makes the
performance of a road network even harder because the decline in the
performance of the road network. Traffic management is needed to resolve the
issue, because good planning can improve the performance and reduce accidents.
Besides the number of vehicle, a decline in the performance of the road network is
also influenced by the behaviour of drivers and the drivers� ability to drive
vehicles. This study was to evaluate a roundabout in Cianjur using simulation of
AIMSUN to know the expected performance.
The primary data collection was carried out in the field in the form of
traffic flow, queue length and travel time. Secondary data of the roundabout map
were obtained from the relevant agencies and used as the basic model. After the
basic model was completed, the verification or error checking to see visually the
model was performed. Calibration and validation were the next step to make the
model as closely as posible to the existing condition. The last was to give the
alternative improvements to increase the performance of the roundabout.
In the first alternative improvement, the result was not significant or
outside the range of 2.10 with the level confidence 95%. This shows that the first
alternative is not effective by changing the movement of the vehicle in the
roundabout. As for the second alternative improvement, better result was obtained
because the parameters of the queue length and travel time were in the range of
2.10 to the same level of confidence 95%. It indicates that the redesign of the
roundabout is better and produces significant result.