Summary: | Recently in Indonesia, many emerging problem due to poor transport services, traffic jams
everywhere, especially in big cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan and even in cities like
Malang, Yogyakarta and Surakarta. This problem is mainly due to too large number of
vehicles that pass through the existing road thatare largely private vehicles. The number of
private cars as the main mode of transportation cannot be separated due to poor public
transport services, resulting in road users trying to find solutions for themselves by trying to
have a private car as a mode of daily transportation.
By improving public transport services, it is expected that it will be able to increase the
volume of users of public transport and could even attract private vehicle users to use public
transportation. One way to improve public transport service is to provide information about
the mode, route, schedule and estimated cost and time required for a journey. This
information will make it easy for users to design and specify a journey. By implementing
this, it is expected to save time and costs.In addition,using this information is also expected to
save operating costs for service providers of public transport by reducing the amount of labor
and the cost of providing the information paper.
This information system will provide an alternative mode, route, schedule and cost estimates
along with travel time that will be taken into consideration for the user to plan a trip. This
system also includes guidance information for the user to travel from place of origin to
destination. Thus, the journey undertaken will be more definite in accordance with the plan.