Summary: | Safe School Zone (ZoSS) is a government program that began in 2006 as
one of the program to reduce the number of traffic accidents, especially the school
children by regulating the speed of vehicles around the school. Vehicles that are
in the ZoSS should reduce the speed to provide a longer reaction time on the
movement of school children who often unexpected hazards that can lead to
accidents. Currently, the use of ZoSS is still not optimal because there are many
road users who pass ZoSS with high speed, school children who have not used
ZoSS facilities and surrounding communities including teachers and parents who
do not understand the existence ZoSS.
The approachment or the way done is by doing an observations directly on
the location that will be surveyed, it is conducted several sueveys such as survey
of pedestrian behavior, chauffeurs behavior, survey of driver behavior, survey of
speed vehicles, survey of volume vehicles which were then analyzed with reference
to guide the implementation of ZoSS issued by the Director General of Land
Transportation Number 403 3236/AJ SK / DRJD/2006, MKJI 1997, research of
GRSP 2008 and SPSS ver 16.0.
The existence of ZoSS in Kanisius elementary school Kalasan, Yogyakarta
has not effectively reviewed its use of pedestrian behavior, the behavior of the
introduction of school children, driver behavior, vehicle speed and road service
levels which mostly shows the condition of the unsaved. Ineffectiveness can be
seen the number of vehicles parked along the ZoSS, pedestrian crossing by
running, the driver who does not stop in the ZoSS and the average speed of
passing on ZoSS exceeds the maximum allowed speed. The minimum speed eastwest
direction at 45 km/h which gives a ratio of 60% of pedestrian deaths in the
event of a collision while the minimum speed east-west direction at 44 km/h which
gives the ratio of 55% of deaths. While the maximum speed in either direction for
63 km/h which will provide 98% of deaths. Efforts to improve the effectiveness of
the use ZoSS are improving the understanding of road users towards ZoSS, efforts
to speed restrictions and efforts ZoSS layout.