Summary: | The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite index that measures
the average achievements of a region in three basic dimensions of human
development: a long and healthy life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living.
In last decades, progress of human development in Indonesia has been very
impressive. However, there are also clear disparities of human development
between regions, including between regencies and cities in Java. Java is the most
populated island in the world, with only 6% of the total area of Indonesia, but
inhabited by 58% of Indonesian population, and contribute 58% of Indonesia�s
Firstly, this paper examined human development patterns in Java. We
performed a spatial autocorrelation measures to assess the level of spatial
dependency. Secondly, we developed a model using Geographically Weighted
Regression (GWR) to estimate the strength of relationship between HDI and
factors associated. GWR is an extended development of regression method that
incorporates spatial structure. The data used were the 2008 Village Census
(Podes) from the BPS at regency/city-level, which were aggregated from villagelevel.
The district�s budget data was compiled from Indonesian Ministry of
Finance. For spatial data, we use administration map from National Survey and
Mapping Coordination Agency (Bakosurtanal) and digital elevation map from
Examining spatial structure of the HDI, the results show prominent
disparities on HDI between regions of Java. Strong patterns of spatial association
were found proving the presence of clusters on the distribution of HDI,
corresponding to Tobler�s First Law of Geography. Using GWR, we found that
educational infrastructure ratio, farm workers, and distance to the nearest school,
were negatively associated with the HDI. Meanwhile, health infrastructure ratio,
and percent of family with electricity were positively associated with the HDI. The
results of the GWR model were compared to the global model. GWR can help
better understand which predictors are associated at specific locations. The GWR
maps produced were not only confirmed, but also demonstrated the spatial
varying association. We found that the GWR performs better to model HDI
determinants than the OLS model, shown with goodness-of-fit statistics. GWR�s
errors were also free from spatial autocorrelation