Summary: | Payung Street is a part of regional road network that connects several regions in
East Java Indonesia. Corridor of Payung Street is sited in an area that has steep
terrain. Landslides are taken place frequently in the corridor every rainy season,
so informal trader activities potentially emerge fatal impacts in the area and
underneath area. This area is managed by municipal government of Batu,
provincial government of East Java, state forestry company, and traders
association which have overlapping interests and poor coordination.
The driving factors of the informal trader activities reviewed in three aspects:
physical, social and economic present significance and influence of the area to
generate the informality as an arrangement of action.
Vulnerability of the landslide in this area is derived from the natural processes and
the interaction of human activities that consist of physical, structural, social,
economic and environmental vulnerabilities.
The stakeholder is set up of other stakeholder who controls resources in order to
obtain the essential resources for goal achievement and continued existence.
Directly or indirectly, the stakeholder relationship between the governments
should be in coordination relationship, but the relationship between the
government and the traders association should be in cooperation relationship