Summary: | This research was aimed to understand the crowdedness of Jogoyudan
rusunawa, and factors affecting the crowding in that particular rusunawa.
Therefore, it can be inferred to get better description on the crowdedness of the
dwellers related to the available space in Jogoyudan rusunawa. This research was
conducted using rationalistic approach implementing qualitative deductive
method. This approach sees the truth not only from the empirical data but also
from argumentation as a part of thinking construction. In the field of rationalistic
philosophy, all knowledges come from intellectual understanding constructed
over logical argumentation skill. Place centered mapping was needed in order to
map the activity of the people. Interview and questionnaire were also used to
complete the unclear data.
The conclusion of this research is that the crowdedness of Jogoyudan
rusunawa is on Level III and IV. Factors affecting crowding in Jogoyudan
rusunawa are tribe, sex, age group, experience, spatial dimension, density,
territory, relationship character, length of stay, and location of dwelling site.