Summary: | Krèbèt village is one of the centers of batik art on wooden
media. Krèbèt village that is in Sendangsari, Pajangan district,
Bantul, Yogyakarta. The existence of Krèbèt as a center of batik art
on wooden media and tourist villages came by a process of a long
journey. The change from an agriculture society as a farmer had
been switching to crafters and entrepreneurs of batik art with
wooden media. Agricultural businesses that are seasonal and only
rely on rainfed irrigation turned into a productive enterprise that
are relatively stable and promising a more prosperous life.
The development of batik art on wooden media in Krèbèt
village had been influenced by various factors. Economic factors,
the pioneering figures and the existence of potential studios are
internal factors that support these developments. Institutions
support, tourism development, consumer tastes, and market are
external factors.
This research was explored the application of batik
techniques on wooden media in terms of function, form, motive
and manufacturing techniques. The issue in this thesis will be
presented by multidisciplinary approach. Data collection was
done through history, ethnography and esthetic approach to get a
more comprehensive data.
This study may provide an idea of how changes in the
agricultural community, farmers become existence crafters. Also
may known how the resulting art products, development craft
patterns, and patterns of product marketing. The results could be
a reference to the development of arts craft centers in Krèbèt in the
future and it can also serve as an example pattern of development
of craft-based traditions of local communities in other regions.