Summary: | Background: One of the important things for a change is a sequential
characteristic or the phase of time for a change. Such as the change of the
State Regional Hospital (RSUD) becomes BLUD. The new paradigm as
BLUD must be balance both �Enterprising the Goverment� and �Public
Service Oriented� which is still oriented on the improvement of service to
the community. The background of Undata Hospital before becoming
BLUD there were still many complaints addressing to the quality of the
hospital services was still low, the problem of health care fee which was
getting expensive, wheres, the tariffs imposed had to be compotitive, and
the demand of good quality of services in order to rescue the patients. All
of this could be achieved if Undata hospital applies the financial
management system of the regional public service agency (PPK-BLUD).
Purpose Of Research: To evaluate the implementation of Regional
Public Service Agency in the regional public hospital (RSUD) of Undata,
Central Sulawesi Province.
Method Of Research: Type of research done is a descriptive analysis
method with the case study design. The samplings conducted in this
research are purposive sampling.
Research Result: The implentation of regional public service agency
(BLUD) based on the result of evaluation study in Undata hospital and in
the health departement of Central Sulawesi Province shows that: The
implementation based on the standard is namely patterns of governance,
business strategy plan, and the report of finicial management with the
anlysis has run well. Whereas the implementation which is not in
accordance with criteria is the minimum service standard has yet optimally
to be implemented related to indicator and criteria of SPM and also the
role of health departement as the supervisory board has yet to be
implemented because there has no formation of the supervisory board,
these two catergories of analysis are still lacking.
Conclusion: The implementation of BLUD in the regional public hospital
(RSUD) of Undata is generally based on the regulation of The
Departement of Internal Affairs No 61 year 2007. It shows the patern of
governance, business strategy plan and financial report in accordance
with standard set while the minimum service standard and the supervisory
board have not run optimally within the standard and criteria set.