Summary: | Pesanggrahan Tamansari (Water Castle) is one of the cultural heritage of
Yogyakarta which is used as tourism destination. Its management is on the Kraton
Yogyakarta as the owner of Tamansari. Its daily execution is, however, done by
Tepas Kaprajuritan Wahono Sartokriyo which is currently led by KGPH.
Hadiwinoto. The management only sells entrance ticket to Gapura Panggung,
Gedong Sekawan, dan Umbul Binangun. The income from tickets partly goes to
the building maintainance
The visitors management such as guiding, on the other hands performed by
local people. This policy is taken in order to give positive impact to the
surrounding community to improve their income The local people is able to earn
extra income by working as a tour guide, selling refreshment and souvenir,
providing services of photography, including up batik courses.
Besides having positive impacts, the use of Tamansari as tourism object
also lead to negative impacts. My observation result shows that visitors did
vandalism. There are buildings that suffering severe damage due to vandalism.. I
assume that this condition relates to the huge number of visitors without any good
visitor management.
To cope with this problems, it is necessary to provide proper visitor
management at Tamansari. This study is aimed to design a proper visitor
management concept. The concept is to maximize visitor experience and minimize
any negative impact to the buildings. It can be gained by good cooperation between
the owner (kraton), the government, both central and local government, academia,
and the surrounding.communities