Summary: | Supreme Court is judicial institution which authorized to make legal
products. But In a certain time, the institution often hit on complicated problems
related to its legal products and authorities, especially the ones associated with
administrative things. Several policies and regulations have been published
concerned with the information service in the court which is used as a guidance
for the creation of transparency and accountability in the Supreme Court and the
judiciary below it. However, the ultimate goal of the policies and regulations has
not achieved perfectly, especially in the settlement of Industrial Relations
Disputes. According to the things that have been mentioned above, the main
problems of this research are �Does The Act No. 25 of 2009 about Public Service
according to the information disclosure sytem in the Suprame Court of Indonesia
able to improve the process of Industrial Relations Disputes� settlement in the
Supreme Court?� and �Does the existence of the Ad Hoc Judges in the Supreme
Court against the decision of Industrial Relations Disputes become the cause of
the inhibition of Industrial Relations Disputes� decision?� This study used
normative and empirical research methods. It is known from the research that the
period of the case�s settlement handled by the Supreme Court is different from the
Industrial Relations Disputes Act. The information system which conducted by the
Supreme Court through the digitizing process has not been effective, because the
human resources has not inadequate yet. The presence of an Industrial Relations
Disputes Ad Hoc Judge in the Supreme Court is as Judge who appointed based on
the recommendation of the trade unions and employers' organizations. Ad Hoc
Judges are in the development of the Supreme Court, but they are unable to
supervise the inhibition of case�s settlement in it. So, it can be concluded that
there is unsynchronized things in the law making process with the real practice
that had happened in the Supreme Court. The delayed of the litigation process in
the Supreme Court is caused by the differences of the work period between the
regulation made by the Supreme Court and The Act No. 2 of 2004 about The
Settlement of Industrial Disputes, free cost-process of case acceleration for the
Industrial Relations Disputes� cases below Rp.150.000.000, - (one hundred and
fifty million rupiahs), lack of facilities and infrastructures in the Supreme Court,
and bad work habit of the employees are the problems that still hamper the
validity of The Act No. 25 of 2009 about Public Service.