Summary: | This thesis describes the evolution of motherhood concept in American society and
the role of daycare as institution that live in different period and social context of time
in America. Since working mother become one of the tremendous social change in
America, the process of this shifting become the main study in this thesis. In other
side, the role of daycare is intermingled with the existence of working mother both in
the past and at present. Thus, this thesis will look closely the role of daycare and the
change of its function due to the different period of time in America.
Library research methodology is applied since all the data in this research are written
text. Many written materials are acquired from books, articles, including internet-based
materials. Another method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, by
which all the data obtained are analyzed and presented descriptively.
In American society, the challenge and the change of circumstances related with
important events so much affect redefinition about mother. The circumstances also
affect the role and mother�s function. In World War II, mother�s role was extended
into being workers because of the necessity to work and the encouragement from
government. Since that time, the spirit to extend the role started to grow in mothers'
mind. The shifting idea about working mother then creates new form of family that is
dual earner and single mother. In spite of mother�s role in public has changed and
expanded which is symbolized by the sum of working mother, the fact is that their
domestic role as homemaker does not change significantly. Although, there is change
in gender ideology in household that is signed with the diminished of work division
based on gender where father as breadwinner and mother as homemaker, the
extended role of mother at present as homemaker and also worker does not
necessarily decreased her domestic role or make their role at home is even with
husband. Routine activity at home becomes mother�s job that make them trapped in
double responsibility. Thus, daycare is expected to be solution for working mother to
run or decreased her double responsibility.