Summary: | This thesis showed the correlation between the influence of Evangelical values
and politics in the Presidential election. Same marriage, guy and lesbian
movement, and abortion were considered as bad values for Evangelical.
George Walker Bush and his team in 2004 Presidential election used those
issues to get the sympathy from voters. They used those issues as the effective
ways to reach voters to appoint G.W Bush as their President. Evangelical as a
part of religious group could not be separated from its members. It means that
the political issues that had been connected with the moral and religious values
and it is became the effective issues to influence the members. If the leaders of
this group gave the sermons related to the moral values and politics, those
members who attend to churches more would be easy in getting the
information and then executing their decision in politics. If the president
candidate was concerned more about the moral and religion values, those
members would tend to appoint him. This happened to George Walker Bush as
the president candidate in 2004 presidential election. Based on the history and
values from this group of religion, United States of America can be considered
as a secular country which separates country and religion but the country still
can be considered as a consistent country which keeps the tradition in religious
values based on the Scripture. As a member of Evangelical, Bush was eligible
and smart enough to use those issues rather than to use other issues such as
Iraq and Afghanistan War, Economics, and also unemployment issues in
America for reaching his goal in his candidacy. Bush get sympathy especially
from Evangelical in which the population of this group was almost 25 % from
the whole American population. As a result, George Walker Bush became the
president in 2004 presidential election because of his ideas about those issues.