Summary: | Behind the government's success in limiting the birth of this country there is still
a negative impact is felt community, especially among women. Responsibility to form a
prosperous family affairs including limiting the number of children, not just on the
shoulders of his wife.This study will analyze the factors that led to increased community
participation in the District Dlingo Bantul.
The actor who became an agent of change is the middle class.Representation of
the middle class has a significant influence on increasing the number of family planning
acceptors Men. Reason KB opted for economic demands with children amounted to three
to four people feel burdensome. The high cost of living and education for their children's
awareness has led them to not increase the number of children. In addition, their wives
are feeling tired because of the emergence of unfavorable effects of contraception they
Circle KB Men Men Mulyo in District Dlingo until recently there were 85 active
acceptors, they are interesting in KB the man after being given the explanation that the
vasectomy is not the same as the castrated and no negative effects on the health of their
bodies.Achievement of male family planning acceptors in the district is still dominated by
middle-class society.
The image is a representation, a "resurrection" is understood as a "lived
experience". In this sense, how to construct the image of the collective image of the
individual. to submit to the collective image.This can be seen in the case of how a man of
family planning acceptors were chosen to be the identity of the middle class.gender
awareness in recognition of women's reproductive rights was regarded as a
representation of one of the middle class.
To serve the wants and needs of men who will undergo a MOP, the Government
in addition to technical factors must also pay attention to cultural to social factors that
need to be synergy between the three factors for success and increase the participation of
males in the MOP program predisposing factors (age, educational level, the level of
knowledge, attitudes, perception, social and cultural values), enabling factors (access to
family planning service men) and reinforcing factors (of wife, friend attitudes, practices