Summary: | Senna leaf is well known for many years ago by all people as a laxative
because the content of its anthraquinone, with levels of 1.5 to 3%. Furthermore, it
also contains of mucilage 10%. Laxative effect of anthraquinone or bulk laxative
effect of mucilage possibility can combine to facilitate the defecation. The purpose of
this study is to determine the purification method that produces fractions with high
levels of mucilage and anthraquinone and also their laxative activity in mice.
Purification method is done by three ways, namely A: consist of ethanol extract
96%, and C from ethanol extract 50% (EE50) which are fractionated with ethanol
96%. Each anthraquinone fraction levels set by uv-vis spectrophotometer (calculated
on sennosida A), while the level of mucilage fraction determined gravimetrically. The
combination effect is preceded by study of laxative potency in crude extracts,
continued with anthraquinone and mucilage fractions of the most active extracts.
Mice were divided in 13 groups, group 1-4 as negative control (aquadest), vehicle
control (CMC Na), positive control (bisacodil and lactulose), 5-11 treated with
micellanous senna leaves extract 420, 2100, and 4200 mg/kgbw, and 12-13 treated
with fraction of anthraquinone and mucilage. The laxative potency seen from the
defecation patterns with parameters accumulation of wet weight stool every 8 hours
and total of 24 hours, stool water content in AUC2-2, and the frequency of occurrence
of diarrhea. Data were analyzed with the statistical convidence level of 95%.
Test results indicates that the highest levels of anthraquinone obtained from
methods A and the highest levels of mucilage obtained from method C. Extract as the
relatively polar (water extract) dosage 2100 mg/kgbb is relatively higher in laxative
activity than semi-polar extracts or nonpolar extracts at the same
dosage. Anthraquninone and mucilage fractions of water extract do not affect the
defecation patterns of mice.