Summary: | Gadjah Mada University with 44.000 students, 2.500 lectures, 3.500
employers, 250 units houses and 155 he open area width, is potentially produce a lot
of solid waste. In order to reach a World Class Research University and educopolis
campus, it is needed a clean, healthy and pleasant environment. In fact it is still often
found garbage that has not managed, well not yet been collected, transported and yet
there is still stockpiling and burning rubbish openly. This research is a study of the
volume of waste generation as a whole and the pattern began to haul garbage from
the source to the final disposal site (TPA) to get a more tangible as the basis for the
preparation of better management.
Primary data obtained through direct observation and research with
observational techniques (check list), interviews, surveys and measurements,
conducted between July 2010 until November 2010. Generation data obtained from
surveys based on SNI M and SNI 19-3964-1994 36-1991-03. Transport data was
obtained by following the vehicle travels from the garage up to the landfill, and back
to the garage. While the secondary data includes the number of students, lectures,
employers, and the number of population in the residents, the study area, placement,
collection, transportation, and labors. Data analysis was performed based on the
applicable regulations and standards, relevant theories, and Tchobanoglous formulas
(1993) of solid waste management.
From the study, obtained results for students waste 0.163 liters/person/day,
lecturer 0.267 liters/person/day, and employees of 0.998 liters/person/day. Street
sweeping waste 0.54 liters/m/day, open space 0.040 liters/m2/day, and the generation
in residential 3.18 liters/person/day. Based on these data, obtained estimates of the
potential for waste generation as a whole up to 46 m
/day, which consists of campus
population non-organic waste of 4.9 m
/day, 6.2 m
/day campus organic waste, waste
from the open land (vegetation) 25 , 8 m
/day and 3.4 m
/day waste street sweeping,
and trash from residential 6.4 m
/day. From this potential it was reduced by 38% for
the population waste, so the total volume of the generation that should be
administered approximately 41 m
/day. Currently underserved waste 28 m
(68%), in a way transported to the Piyungan landfill using 3 trucks with a capacity of
7 m
, one open cup vehicle with capacity of 2 m
, and there is a small part of
composted in place.
The results of existing transport conditions pattern obtained the average time
took for one trip is 3.95 hours /vehicles /day (total of 3 trips/day). While the work
time required to reach 100% of service plans with the communal transport pattern
through 13 depots (including housing) and the final destination is the Piyungan
landfill for non-organic waste and Berbah LDUS for organic waste, required a total
of 4 to 5 trip/day, with 3.24 hours of working time for one trip to 7.24 hours for 2
trips and being served by three vehicles that already exist. If desired a one trip/day
vehicle operation (total of 4 trips/day), it can be fulfilled by 4 vehicles, with an
average working time 3 hours/day, as well as necessary a tank tall modifications to
raise the vehicle capacity.