Summary: | The research area (South Palembang Sub Basin) is part of the South Sumatra
Basin, where the exposed oldest rock (Pre-Tersier) to the youngest rock (Quartenery
sedimentary rocks). Basement rock at the study area consists of schist, filit, quartzite,
granite, and limestone.
In the study area identified lasted for four tectonic stages, namely the phase of
post-Cretaceous tectonic compression, extension Paleogene tectonic phase, Neogene
tectonic compression phase, and post-compression Neogene tectonics phase. The
occurrence of several tectonic phases affecting the period of pattern formation zone
configuration basement high and to play their hydrocarbon system. The basement high
zone generally controlled by graben-half / graben trending Paleogene tectonic phase of
the North-South and Northeast Southwest fault is controlled by up / down on the
Neogene tectonic phase trending northwest-southeast.
The basement high zone is a hydrocarbon traps zone that were predicted from
Paleogen sediment. Early rifting of hydrocarbon in Lahat and Talang Akar Formation
occured during Neogen tectonic phase, and than migrated to high basement zone until
post Neogen compression tectonic phase. There are 4 hydrocarbon traps type in the
basement high of study area, trapping the basement structural high, the structure of
normal fault trap, reverse fault structure trap, high basement stratigraphic trap.