Summary: | Plant distance is determined by the level of soil fertility and crop varieties
associated with the habitus (plant morphology). The optimum plant distance will
give the optimum space to grow for crops to utilize sunlight absorption rate,
uptake of nutrients and water in the soil providing maximum productivity and
good quality of product. Planting crops between rows of crops inserts on legowo
parallelogram system modifications will increase the number of plant population
per unit area. Selection of varieties and proper insertion time are needed to
support high productivity of paddy field.
This study aimed to obtain plant distance and appropriate time of insert the
plant in reaching the optimum number of population at legowo lign system
modifications. The research was conducted in Srihardono, Bantul, Yogyakarta
from June to October 2010.
The research was designed in randomized complete block design (RCBD)
with two factorial treatments and three blocks as replicates. The first factor consist
of (30 + 10) cm x 10 cm and (40 + 10) cm x 10 cm. The second factor consist of 1
mspt, 2 mspt, and 3 mspt. Observation data were analyzed with analysis of
variance and and followed by DMRT test if there was any differences
significanthy among treatment in analysis of variance.
The results showed that there was no interaction between treatment plant
distance and time of insert the plant. The best number of population density
obtained at the treatment (40 + 10) cm x 10 cm, which can support better growth
and yield of crop than those of the plant density (30 + 10) cm x 10 cm. An
increasing number of population of crops planted inserts 1 mspt was able to
increase the actual results of the total crop (8773.53 kg / ha) compared to that of 2
mspt (7650.58 kg / ha) and 3 mspt (7108.75 kg / ha) on a parallelogram system
modifications legowo. The actual results of plant inserts 1 mspt (29.01%)
contributed to the highest yield compared to that of 2 mspt (18.76) and 3 mspt