Summary: | Orang Rimba as indigenous communities that�s live in the
area of Bukit Duabelas National Park in Jambi Province, they
activity can not be separated from the forest. At least two important
issues that cause they life can not be separated from the forest. The
First, the economic problems that�s become the foundation of
survival as a place of hunting, gathering, and to use forest products
became the most important economic resource in their activity.
Second. Forest becomes the identity of life in running a variety of
wisdom traditions and culture that bequeathed by the founding
fathers as a guide in carrying out the significance of life for Orang
Management Planning of Bukit Duabelas National Park
(RPTNBD) issued by office of Natural Resources Conservation
(BKSDA), Jambi Province, by dividing the park into six different
zones (core zone, Rimba zone, Traditional zone, Tourism zone, Used
Limited zone, and Rehabilitation zone) and put the dynamics life of
Orang Rimba only on traditional zone, causing Orang Rimba have a
great process of marginalization from their own natural resources, so
that the right to fight back, Orang Rimba did resistance to the
demands to restore of economic rights and identity rights, with the
birth of RPTNBD policy.
This research is using case study, through a qualitative
approach, this study found that the cause of resistance against the
policy of The RPTNBD by Orang Rimba, due to the implementation
of policies that are not able to accommodate the interests of Orang
Rimba. Orang Rimba who are in the region was not as an asset for
the sustainability of ecosystem conservation areas. The policy of
RPTNBD more forward the ecological economic aspects rather than
considering the culture of indigenous peoples living within the
conservation area, and the policy is causing Orang Rimba loss of
economic resources and the right to carry identity is full of tradition
and culture. This study also, the authors found to deal with these
RPTNBD policy, Orang Rimba fought Individual Resistence who
later evolved into a collective movement. Collective resistance is a
form of protest demonstrations, formal resistance, and is customary
resistance, in collective resistance that�s very urgent is role of some NGOs, especially to build the character of Orang Rimba, the
mobilization of the movement, the network and the assistance in
every movement of resistance, so resistance is considered effective
in voicing demands, while the individual resistance is more closed
and the behavior of everyday people are disappointed of Orang
Rimba against regulations made by the government policies in
The findings of this study confirm what is presented by Gurr
that people can make resistance when he felt something stolen or
respect for his way of life threatened by new developments, besides
that, Scott also explains the existence of 'state simplification' where
countries trend to legalize and regulate public policy that is too strict
and uniform for its own sake, in the middle of groups of different
people because of their cultural plurality. So, nothing wrong
according to Scott on the already marginalized communities such as
this is, they will take the fight either overtly or with the concept of
everyday resistance which tends more closed (every day forms of