Summary: | In the 2009 legislative election in Central Maluku (Malteng), Azis Mahulette
appeared as the only candidate to be elected to parliament Malteng to gain votes
exceeded the number of dividers Voter Numbers (BPP). This research analyzes the
strategies used in activating Azis Mahulette modalities that can achieve fantastic
victory in the electoral district Malteng III. Aziz modality consists of three parts,
namely, political capital, social capital and economic capital. Through a winning
strategy, all three modalities are activated Aziz Mahulette thus superior to its
This research uses case study method, with a structured interview instrument,
a questionnaire, and observation. The main unit of analysis in this study aimed to
figure Asiz Mahulette candidates and their teams success, as well as other parties
such as religious leaders, traditional leaders, youth leaders, and local community
leaders and other social groups, which have linkages with the victory achieved in the
electoral district Asiz Mahulette Three Elections in 2009.
From this research, concluded that the modalities Azis Mahulette fairly evenly
strength. Social modalities Azis Mahulette form position and influence in the
community of indigenous, community and religious groups. Economic modalities of
the family business and donor contributions. The political modalities Aziz is an elite
position in Golkar Malteng and his position as Chairman of the Parliament Malteng.
Aziz Mahulette winning strategy in the 2009 elections is very tactical, which
synergize all of its modalities, so as not to become part of a stand alone, but rather
reinforce each other. Economic capital is used to strengthen social capital (through
philanthropy), the political capital to strengthen the economic capital (through the
existence of many family-owned company to obtain government tenders), and
political capital to strengthen social capital (help lobby for a particular group).
Aziz Mahulette winning strategy is divided into three ways. First, the
mobilization of a successful team, which consists of the core figures in social
organizations, bureaucracy, community leaders (landlords), and family members.
The successful team member is designed to target the segment for each. Second,
maximize the "channel" that exists. How, move all the existing family networks to
support the award in their respective segments. Third, maximize the money
politics, through a generous figure imaging (philanthropists), and money as "pica
sun attack." Imagery as a philanthropist (philanthropists) Mahulette Aziz has
pioneered a long time, which is helpful in providing relief funds and goods to
every layer of society. The "Attack the Sun Pica" is the division of money openly at
the last minute voters about to go to the polls, to mobilize and reach the masses
who had previously failed votes netted by another strategy. Through the three
strategies above that, modalities, modality, which is owned by Aziz Mahulette
converted into a fantastic victory in the 2009 elections in Central Maluku district.