Summary: | The occurrence of the economic reform and financial liberalization in the
1970-1980s has established banks to be a very important intermediary institution
for channeling credit. Nevertheless, as credit channelization increases, increases
toward high-risk portfolio could not be avoided. The monetary crisis that
overwhelmed Indonesia in the year 1997/1998, which was marked by the closure
of many national banks, was the pivot point in the devastation of Indonesia�s
banking system. The government and banks regulator, in this case is Bank
Indonesia, must immediately take action to save the economy, starting with bank
recapitalization and treatment of the bad credits as well as the development on
regulation and supervision practices.
The Basel Committee established a capital framework that is based on
risk, which is know with �the 1988 accord� (Basel I), which covered credit risk
and market risk, as well as setting the minimum standard capital of a bank which
is as many as 8%. The Basel I accord then is used by many bank regulators in the
world as a standard in managing the framework of its bank financing. Realizing
the rapid development of the banking industry, and the need of more information
on more sensitive risks, along with the flexibility to fulfill each bank�s needs, the
Basel committee responded with the introduction of �the new Basel accord�
(Basel II), in which contains an increase in the use of quantitative method as a
more sensitive way used by banks to measure and report credit risks of its asset
portfolio, and also to introduce the existence of operational risks, as well as the 3
pillars agreement of Basel II.
The purpose of this study is to compare between the implementation of the
basic indicator approach (Basel I) and standardized approach (Basel II) with the
unrated weight on credit risk to capital adequacy ratio (CAR) and sees how much
insensitive captured in using the standardized approach on Bank Mega. The CAR
calculation using the Basel I approach is 12.48% and 13.04% with the Basel II
approach, in which both is still far above the established minimum limit of 8%.
The insensitive which will be obtained by Bank Mega with the implementation of
standardized approach is 0.56%, this may seem �invisible� because of the risk
weight used, which is unrated risk weight, and also with the existence of risk
weight up to 150% toward its credit exposure on due claims. Therefore, this new
insensitive will be seen if the use of risk weight is based on rating, and the use of
mitigation techniques, as well as the good management of credit portfolio.