Summary: | The demand for fuel oil is high enough, for that to meet those needs from
domestic product ad imports, as well as the industrial diesel oil type fuel stems
partly from imports with the publishes of law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas,
Government Regulation No. 36 of 2004 and Regulation on Minister of Energy and
Mineral Resources No. 0007/MEM/2005, in Indonesia there have been
fundamental changes in Oil and Gas downstream business, after obtaining a
business license Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, held through a fair
competition mechanism, good, and transparent, so that a company can import
their own fuel.
With the opening of its competition in downstream business activities of
Oil and Gas, the fuel utilization both local and international companies compete
in making the distribution of fuel through the provision in offering the best price
and superior services to consumers, thus providing an attractive price is one
important factor in attracting consumers, with world oil prices fluctuate, we must
able to give right prices for consumers and remain profitable for company, to
conduct an analysis of pricing can be used simple regression analysis, where as to
determine the competitive strategic can used SWOT analysis and Five forces
analysis, so the company is able to face challenges in the future.