Summary: | This study is intended to know efficiency between goverment banks
and foreign bank branches in Indonesia during year 2003-2008. This study
data is obtained from 16 bank which enlist in Jakarta Stock Exchange and
Central Bank of Indonesia that consist of 5 goverment bank and 11 foreign
bank branch. Data analysis were conducted by using method of Data
Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Variable input used in this study were Price
of Labour, Price Of Funds, and Price of Physical Capital. While variable
output used in this study were Loans and Securities.
Result of input variable and output which is used in measurement of
efficiency by using Data of Envelopment Analysis found that goverment
banks and foreign bank branches during period of year 2003 � 2008 have
difference. There are two government banks and foreign bank branches that
have efficiency, whereas there are PT. Bank Nasional Indonesia (Persero),
Tbk and PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk. and from the foreign bank
branches The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd and Citibank, NA. After
finding the efficiency, the next tests is testing the normality of the data dan
testing the hipothesis which use Kolmogorov-Smirnov One Sample Test to
find the normality of the input variabel and the output variabel from
goverment banks and foreign bank branches during 2003 � 2008 period and
the result of efficiency value that occurred from the government bank and
the foreign bank branches, and the Independent Sample t-test if the data
distribution normal. If it does not normal, so the next test would using
Mann-Whitney U Test.
The finding result from testing the normality data is that the input
variable and output variable are normally distributed according to
Kolmogorov-Smirnov One Sample Test and the result occurred for the
efficiency value unnormally distributed .Due to data the normality test
results are unnormally, then the next hypothesis test conducted by the Mann
Whitney U Test with the result that have differences in efficiency between
government banks and foreign bank branches through Data Envelopment
Analysis approach to the study period 2003 - 2008.