Summary: | The measurement method of branch offices performance of Bank Mandiri
has changed. The underlying theory is the fund transfer pricing (FTP). By this
new method, the performance of a branch office is no longer measured based on
the funding and lending performance as the previous method, known as the
method of Inter-Offices Account Interest (RAK).
The conclusion of this research is the performance measurement of branch
offices by using the KPI calculation shall demand the branch offices to be more
active in collecting the sustainable DPK and it shall increase in every month since
most of DPKs have a significant role in the calculation of KPI final output
calculation. The branch offices are given an authorization to stipulate a fund
interest rate but they must still consider the FTP interest rate so the profit accepted
can increase every month.
The implication of research output shall be as : In short-term, the branch
offices will try to maintain sustainable and cheap fund and avoid acrobatic
practices in order to increase fund at the end of the month. For long-term purpose,
the branch offices will operate integratedly by considering supporting factors of
their business, efficiency in daily operation. The branch offices must develop their
customers loyalty so the interest rate is not the sole choice of customers to be still
loyal as the customers in the branch offices.