Summary: | Object on this research is to (1) knowing the structure of farming income from
palm sugar block and palm sugar semut in Lebak district, (2) knowing fesiability of
palm sugar farming in Lebak district, (3) knowing influence factors of farmer income
from palm sugar farming and (4) knowing a lot of contribution palm sugar farming
income, non palm sugar farming and outer farming in Lebak district.
Basic methods used in this research is analysis descriptive method. This
research will be done in Cihara sub district, Lebak district, Banten province.
Determining location done wth purposive by virtue of review of Lebak district
constitute one of center production palm sugar in Banten province. Data analysis
methods used (1) income analysis of palm sugar farmers and (2) influence factors
analysis to palm sugar farmer. Parameters testing in this research used F-test, t-test,
multicolinearity test and heterokedastisity test. Result of this research are (1) income between palm sugar block farmer and palm sugar semut farmer not be different significant, (2) palm sugar block and palm sugar semut farming suitable to business, (3) influence factors to sugar palm farm household income likely firewood price and kawao root price, firewood price make a negative influence and kawao root price make a positive influence, and (4) palm sugar farming income make biggest contribution to total farm household income.