Summary: | Onion is one of the vegetable crops with the potential to be developed to
support farmers' income. Tiron varieties can be classified as a special adapt to
environments that are less productive, especially in the land of sand beach.
This study aims to determine the knowing use of farm inputs onion, to
determine the level of production and productivity of red onion, to determine the
factors affecting onion production and analyze the magnitude of the onion farmers'
incomes land Sanden sand beaches in the District, District and Sub Srandakan Kretek
in Bantul.
This study uses the analysis of the Cobb-Douglas production function with
estimates obtained through regression analysis and transformed into natural logarithm
The results of regression analysis of farm production function onion in the
land of sand beaches indicates that the variable Urea, NPK and labor have a positive
and significant impact on onion production. While the District Dummy Sanden
insignificant which means do not differ with Sub Dummy Kretek Srandakan and
showed significant results, which means that the production of sub Kretek higher than
the District Srandakan. Differences by Sub District Kretek Srandakan can be seen
from a different soil structure for the District of argillaceous sand and soil structure
Pasiran Kretek for Srandakan District.