Summary: | Background: The disease that often affects school age children is generally
associated with the PHBS. To overcome this, the Ministry of Health has set a grand
strategy, one of which is the target of primary schools (SDs) that have PHBS.
Implementation of PHBS program in primary schools is inseparable from the
influence of the officer's motivation as a health promoter at health centers that
implement PHBS program. The motivation is probably related to knowledge,
rewards, coaching and guidance, interest in the work, understanding in tupoksi (main
task and function) and characteristics of age, education, length of service and
Objective: Assess the motivation of health promotion staff at public health center in
conducting healthy style programs at elementary schools in Kuningan District and
various factors releted to motivation.
Methods: Cross-sectional study design with a mixed methods explanatory.
Research sites were in 37 health centers of Kuningan District. Research subjects
were the health centers� promotion officers as many as 37 people (total population).
Techniques of data collection were done by questionnaires, in-depth interviews and
document checks and information from UKS (school health unit) teachers. The data
analysis was performed by bivariate analysis with chi-square test and qualitative
data analysis was carried out by several stages, ie transcripts, categorizing,
interpretation and presentation in narrative form.
Results: Age had a significant relationship with motivation (p = 0,003)