Summary: | Research objectives to be achieved as follows:
1. To determine the relationship of synergy executive with the legislative period of 2004-2009 in terms of optimizing regional autonomy in the reform era in BandungWest Java province.
2. To determine implications of the synergy relations executive and legislative period of 2004-2009 in order to optimize the reform era of regional autonomy inareas of political resistance against the city of Bandung in West Java The research method is qualitative research that is donethrough data collection techniques, both primary data and secondary data, followed in the processing of data andinterviews are planned, open and deep. Staff conducted onMunicipal Government (City Government) of Bandung in West Java and some staff legialatif a sampling.
The results are:
1. The working relationship between the executive and the legislative period of 2004-2009 in Bandung City has increased, parliament (legislature) of Bandungincreasingly active in monitoring functions (implementation of the program and budget) to executives and more responsive to the aspirations and demands of society.
2. Improved working relationship between the executive and legislative period of 2004-2009 have an impact on the empowerment of the community�s oliticalparticipation of Bandung. Relations executive and legislative branches of Bandung City Politics Regional Resilience at the level of being. Mean that if relations deteriorate both institutions (not harmonic) could potentially weaken the resistancearea of Bandung