Summary: | Research on the Legal Protection of Notary Employees As Witnesses In
Criminal Investigation Case aims to find out efforts made by the investigator,
prosecutor and judge in the legal protection of notary employees who was a
witness in a criminal investigation case and to identify and describe the obstacles
faced in legal protection of notary employees who was a witness in a criminal
investigation case.
Research on the Legal Protection of Notary Employees As Witnesses In
Criminal Investigation Case is a juridical empirical research. This study focused
on field research to obtain primary data, but also the research literature to obtain
secondary data to support and complement the primary data. The various data
obtained, and then processed in the form of descriptive analytical reports.
Legal protection of notary employees provided by Act Number 30 Year
2004 concerning Notary position is considered less, due to the absence of a
normative legal protection that can protect notary employees. This is due to the
absence of clear rules in this law regarding notary employees who are called as
witnesses by the investigating authorities, public prosecutors or judges. In contrast
to Act 13 year 2006 on Protection of Witnesses and Victims which has provided a
clear and detailed, but no implementing regulations regarding the implementation
at this stage of investigation, prosecution, or the examination of court cases in this
legislation that resulted in less maximum of providing protection to
witnesses. Many obstacles faced in the legal protection of notary employees due
to lack of explanation in Notary Position Act on the protection of notary
employees as a witness in a criminal investigation case.