Summary: | Identifying Critical Success Factors (CSF) in very important for an organization.
Without a set of CSFs, it seems impossible to present the state of progress and
assess the success of e-Procurement initiative ini the public sector. However, the
academic literature about CSF in e-Procurement implementation is very limited.
Vaidya et al (2006) try to develop a model about Critical Success Factors
implementation e-Procurement in the public sectors.
The objective of the research was examine Vaidya research model. Sample of this
reseaach is LPSE employee, ULP employee and supplier. The sampling technique
for LPSE and ULP employee is sensus and for supplier respondent using
purposive sampling. Hypotesis are tasted empirically used multiple linear
regression. The result of hypotesis analysis show that end user uptake and
training, supplier adoption, business case and project management, security and
authentication, performance measurement, top management support and change
management have positive and significant effect on the perception e-Procurement
implementation success in the public sectors.