Summary: | Lelakaq is a traditional expression which is similar to traditional poetry,
consists of four lines, the two lines are sampiran and the others are contains
usually used in sasak traditional ceremony. Lelakaq is one of the culture forms
which aim to communicate society thought which rises and develops from day to
day. Lelakaq which extends among society is one of the effective media to spread
kindness value to Sasak society.
This research used Anthropological Linguistic approach in which language
understanding is related to culture. There are six research procedures, they are
data collected the data, made a field transcription, selected the data, translated and
interpreted data into Indonesian, analyzed data based on research focus and wrote
the report. The method in collected data, the researcher used observation and
interview methods. Observation method is held in spoken and written sources.
The spoken sources were taken from informants and sasak song records which
contain of lelakaq in its lyric. Beside, written sources were obtained from books
which provide local wisdom of lelakaq of sasak society. This research also used
introspection method because the researcher is a native speaker of sasak language.
This method tried to combine their all knowledges about lelakaq.
The result of the research shows that lelakaq characteristic are as discourse
and cognition system of sasak society is performed in the lelakaq. In creating
lelakaq, sasak society thought is influenced by their experience in interacting with
around their world. There are many lelakaq references which relate to life around
whether relate to human, god and environment around. Sasak society uses lelakaq
to express the issues and life view. Lelakaq can be used as the holder and the
assessor of sasak society attitude which create life aptitude into God, human and
environment around.