Summary: | RESPEK is a basic concept of people development and empowerment, and
the people have established an institution in the village called TPKK, an
abbreviaton of Tim Pengelola Kegiatan Kampung (Management Team of Village
Activities). The study titled �Management Path of RESPEK Finance and Social
Change and Participation of People Village of Famboaman, District of South
Yapen, Regency of Yapen Archipelago, Province of Papua� was conducted to
know whether the management path of RESPEK finance in the village of
Famboanan was performed properly or not.
This study used the method of descriptive qualitative. Data was analyzed
qualitatively, whereas data gathering was performed by conducting interview,
giving questionnaires, and making documentation. In collecting data that was
valid, it was also supported by the method of triangulation through conducting
cross check of the achieved finding and data.
The study found that the process of finance management, social movement
and people participation of the village of Flamboanan could be performed
properly. It was indicated by the better realization of achievement compared to the
first planning draft, such as people behavior of defecating on the river have
changed in the public lavatories, the bush was gathered in the trash, the muddy
road have changed to be better road that could be used by motorcycles and
vehicles, and the people participation was properly good.