Summary: | Aloe vera is a natural ingredient that is widely used in wound healing post
incision.Various studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness
of Aloe vera on the wound healing process but the timing of Aloe vera on the
wound right after the incision in order to provide optimal resultsis not yet
known . This study aims to determine the differences in tensile strength in
the wistar ratskin samples treatedAloe vera extracts ascompared with
controls seen at day 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th post incision.
Fourty eight rats were divided into two groups: the non treated control
group, and the treated group were applied with 0,5 ml Aloe vera extract topically
twice a day arounds the area of incision. The incision was made on the back
of rats with scalpel number 15 3 cm length reaches subcutane depth. The
Flap was sutured interruptedly in three stitches. On day 4th, 6th, 8th and
10th respectively six rats of groups I and II, killed with ether, the stitches
removed, skinned, and then performed a tensile strength test of the skin.
Samples treated with Aloe vera showed increased tensille strength
compared with control at 6th day. Statistical analysis with independent t test
showed that there is significant differencis mean tensille strength between treated
and control grup on 6th day (p<0.005), this result showed that the aplication of
Aloe vera extract topically can increase the tensile strength of the wistar rats skin
on day 6th post incision.