Summary: | Background. Clinical education is a learning process where students
focus in the context of real patient care in order to achieve the
competencies and skills through the application of clinical nursing
knowledge and skills which have acquired at the academic stage. One
factor supporting the achievement of learning outcomes or competencies
is the learning environment. Student perceptions on clinical learning
environment is a factor that affects student competence achievement in
clinical nursing practice.
Objectives. The purpose of this study was to determine students'
perceptions on ward atmosphere, leadership style of chief of ward,
the nursing values in the ward, the values of learning in ward and
supervision relationship in context of achievement of competencies and
skills in the logbook, case report response or resumes and clinical
practice exam in the implementation of nursing clinical practice.
Methods. A quantitative method is applied. The study sample were 134
first-year student of Luwuk Nursing Academy.
Results. The results of descriptive analysis showed positive perceptions
of the ward atmosphere of 54.5%, the leadership style of chief of ward of
55.2%, the values of nursing in the ward of 55.2%, the values of learning
in ward of 52.2%, and 56.0% for supervision relationship. Negative
perception on clinical learning environment were found in the maternity
room and internal medicine. There were 78.36% of respondents who
achieved clinical competency of nursing practice. The results of hypothesis
testing using Chi Square of the individual components of the perception of
the achievement of clinical competency of nursing practice indicate the pvalue
of <0.05, which means there was a statistically significant
relationship, except for the components of the perception of the values in
the ward the p-value was > 0.05 which means there is no statistically
significant relationship. The results showed that the clinical learning
environment support the achievement of the competence of nursing
clinical practice in addition to internal motivation as students� willingness to
graduate and the role of clinical supervisor.
Conclusion. Students� positive perception towards the atmosphere
of the ward, chief of ward leadership style, nursing values in the
ward, the values of learning in the ward, and supervision
relationships can be used as support factor in the achievement of
clinical competency of nursing practice