Summary: | With the increasing growth of palm oil industry in Kalimantan, it will
affect the solid waste produced by the fresh fruit bunches processing. According
to some researches and its physical form, there is a similarity between palm fiber
ash and fly ash which is commonly used as filler for asphalt mixture. In the middle
of difficulty to obtain stone dust and fly ash, palm fiber ash is chosen as an
alternative for filler in asphalt mixture. It is expected that palm ash can be used as
filler and it can repair the characteristic of asphalt mixture. By that way, the
waste of palm fiber ash which is a problem in palm oil production can be utilized
and has economic value.
In this research, 5 variations are used, they are variation 1 (100% stone
dust + 0% palm fiber ash), variation 2 (75% stone dust + 25% palm fiber ash),
variation 3 (50% stone dust + 50% palm fiber ash), variation 4 (25% stone dust +
75% palm fiber ash), variation 5 (0% stone dust + 100% palm fiber ash) The test
used are the Marshall test with 0,5 and 24 hours of immersion, and Indirect
Tensile Strength test which is done on unconditioned and conditioned specimen.
From the result, the optimum asphalt content for variation 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
is a follows 6,4%, 6,65%, 6,7%, 6,85%, dan 7,3%. The result of standard
Marshall test (0,5 hour of immersion) shows the stability value is a follows
1747kg, 1710kg, 1649kg, 1578kg, dan 1469kg, on the Marshall test with 24 hours
of immersion shows the stability value is a follows 16656kg, 1618kg, 1539kg,
1437kg, dan 1325kg. The obtained index value of remaining strength(IRS) meets
the requirements of Bina marga. From the result, it shows the highest IRS value is
achieved in variation 1 95,4% and the lowest is in variation 5 90,2%. HRS-BC
mixture which uses palm fiber ash as filler is less resistant to crack, this can be
seen in the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) which is shown by variation 1, 2, 3, 4,
and 5 as follows 89%, 77%, 74%, 66% dan 64%.