Summary: | The main requirement of pavement surface layer are depending on its strength
not to deform excessively during the serving of passing vehicles and durable to
abrasion due to traffic loads during and erosion action of water with the wheels of
vehicles on the road pavement surface layer. These requirements can be evaluated
by testing in the laboratory mix design. For that reason, then can be trial testing
to the stability and durability of Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course mixtures by
using limestone dust and stone dust as a filler. This study aims to determine how
much affecting by using of limestone dust as a filler to the level of stability and
durability of mixture.
The research was done by making the specimen test based on the variation of
filler that has been made. The number of test specimens by means Marshall is 30
pieces, 15 pieces each specimen to standard conditions test and the remaining of
the specimen after immersion test for 24 hours. The number of test specimens by
means of indirect tensile strenght is the same, but the difference is in the testing
procedure. Mechanical testing with Marshall tool used to find the value of
Marshall Stability and Retained Stability, while the indirect tensile strength test is
to calculate the Tensile Strength Ratio which is parameter of durability testing.
The results obtained by the stability and durability after conditioned for 24
hours, versus stone dust filler made of lime mixed in 5 variations respectively
(0%: 100, 25%: 75%, 50%: 50, 75%: 25% and 100%: 0%), its obtained an
average of stability is (1597kg, 1434kg, 1441kg, 1524kg and 1394kg, and for the
Retained Marshall Stability (RMS) is equal to (99%, 95%, 94%, 96%, and 99%).
Retained Marshall Stability (RMS) is (94%, 96%, 97%, 90% and 83%). The
rusults indicate that the limestone filler variation is high enough have affect to the
characteristics of the mixture under review was 70% and 50% limestone dust
filler. The average characteristics are reviewed to meet specifications of Asphalt
Concrete Wearing Course that is used so that the limestone dust filler can be used
as an alternative to stone dust filler.