Summary: | Research solar thermal uses mirrors as a light reflector made using two pieces of mirror
reflector with a diameter of 193 cm and 63.5 cm. The test conducted by variations on
temperature, intensity, luminous flux, energy, heat transfer, electromagnetic waves,
radiation, geometry, efficiency. In the reflector data recovery tool, made by monitoring the position (displacement) adjusted the position of the sun and rest. Parabolic mirror as research pans supported:. A) Timah, ( 0 at temperatures T"AV
% = 305,5 K%, T'AV % = 307,7 K%, T(AV % = 406,6 K%, T)AV % = 467,1 K%, T*'AV
% = 503,3 K%, εAV = 0,38, ITAV = 1143,4 W/m, -./ = 48,53 kW, Fluks = > 3000 Lumen, The energy required to 29.389,736 joules. (b). Water, () at temperatures T"AV % = 306,4 K%, T'AV % = 308,4 K%, T(AV % = 354,5 K%, T)AV % = 360,8 K%,
T*'AV % = 371,013 K%, εAV = 0,563, ITAV = 587,877 W/m, -./ = 24,952 kW, Fluks = > 3000 Lumen, with variable load, requiring 4,762,971 joules of energy.
Parabolic mirror that serves as an antenna for a satellite, depending on geography and
latitude, in this study produced three satellites, with the Chanel: 26, and the energy E = 2,504*10 joules at 2,743*10 joules, and wavelength of 0,072 m to 0,081 m.