Summary: | The development of information systems in human life along with the of
human civilization itself until finally getting to know the term information
technology. Pay attention to the development of such information, we will study
briefly the history of information technology in an effort to get the integrity of
science and knowledge about information technology. History of technology we
can divide into pre-history, past history, and modern times. The utilization of ICT
in learning in Indonesia has had a long enough history. Initiative hosted the radio
broadcast education and educational television is an attempt do the dissemination
of information to the education units are scattered throughout the
archipelago. This is a manifestation of consciousness to optimize the
domestication of technology in helping the learning process of the
community. Along with the need for methods and concept learning is more
effective and efficient, the utilization of information technology for education was
not inevitable. The concept would later be known as e-learning brings the
influence of conventional education, to the process of tranformasi in digital form,
either generally contents (contents) and his system.
This research aims to apply and implement the concept of e-learning is a
teaching and learning that enables tersampaikannya learning materials to students
using internet media. With the e-learning is expected to facilitate the teaching and
learning process is conducted without limited location, time and costs.
The method is done by charging a questionnaire to find out the needs of the
user that there is a facebook application and utilization in building E-learning
applications. The programming is done with the PHP language and customize
with FBML is a framework from Facebook itself.
Research results is a system application that will be used in assisting the
process of teaching and learning online. This application can support distance
learning. This application runs in the facebook application that is very easy to be
accessed by the user, which the user is a student and lecturer.