Summary: | Information technology has long been used in business processes at the Biro
Umum Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi NTB and are expected to provide added value
to the achievement of agency goals. In addition to its benefits, the application of
information technology also contains risks that may affect the business process
itself, causing losses that bad for the agency. Therefore, agencies must understand
and anticipate any potential risks that may occur. Application of good information
technology risk management aim to reduce the negative impacts of risk that may
arise. To find out the extent to which agencies manage the risks associated with
information technology it needs to be evaluated.
The research will use the "Risk IT" framework approach as an information
technology risk management standards issued by ISACA to evaluate the
implementation of risk management processes of information technology which
covers risk governance, risk evaluation, and risk response. The evaluation process
will be based on a maturity model that has been defined by the "Risk IT"
framework to measure the maturity level of information technology risk
management conditions at the Biro Umum Seketariat Daerah Provinsi NTB.
The maturity level results would indicate the quality degrees of
implementation of information technology risk management today and can be used
as an ingredient to make improvements in aspects that were considered less. The
study will provide recommendations for the development of IT risk management
processes in government agencies. The results of this research can also be used as a
reference in the development of guidelines for the application of information
technology risk Management that will provide guidance to all organizational units
in carrying out business processes related to information technology.