Summary: | Brand is a name or symbol on a product. With the brand of a product can be
recognized by consumers and empower consumers in the purchase of a product. When
the brand of a product is known and consumed by consumers, then a wide range of
responses or responses appear. Differences in the responses of each consumer to a brand,
from where manufacturers can find out how to position the product and how the behavior
of consumers towards the product. The added value provided consumers with the brand is
called brand equity. Many models to measure brand equity, one of which is the brand
equity model that was introduced by David Aaker. According to David Aaker's brand
equity model has five dimensions, namely brand awareness, brand association, perceived
quality, brand loyalty and other brand assets.
This study measures the brand equity of the Kawasaki Ninja 250cc in the
coverage area of Yogyakarta province, involving 184 respondents. This study uses four
dimensions to measure brand equity, namely brand awareness, brand association,
perceived quality and brand loyalty. With these four dimensions, the researchers believe
may represent other dimensions of brand equity in the determination of the Kawasaki
Ninja 250cc. where brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand
loyalty as an independent variable while brand equity as a dependen variable. These
studies suggest that the four independent variables had a significant effect on the
dependent variables ie brand equity. which is the fourth hypothesis in this study
The processing of result data and a survey done, when viewed overall brand
equity very nice 250cc Kawasaki Ninja. But when viewed from the responses of each
variable, in this study received a brand loyalty variable response of the lowest among the
other variables. However, the brand loyalty of consumers towards the Kawasaki Ninja
250cc fixed values are shown above.