Summary: | The theme in the research conducted by the author outlines the formulation of
corporate strategy. Object of research is acompany which is engaged in coal
mining industry located in the village of East Kalimantan, Langap, Malinau. The
study uses a case study approach and elaborated descriptively. Results of the
formulation of corporate strategy put forward by the authors is related
diversification strategy.
Studies conducted using several measuring tools to obtain information
needed in the formulation of a company's strategy. Measuring instrument that is
used among other Likert scale used to measure the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats faced by the company. Other measuring tools such as
SWOT matrix and the matrix SPACE is also used as an additional tool in writing.
The entire gauge is filled by the authorities PT Putra Kayan Main Coal and
processed by the author so that the conclusion strategy options that can be taken
by the author.
The results of research and discussion to provide information for the
author. Broadly speaking, the authors conclude on the value chain analysis and
analysis of key success of the company, PT Putra Kayan Main Coal has the
distribution channels and good procurement procedures. The results of the SWOT
analysis and matrix analysis shows SPACE PT Putra Kayan Main Coal has the
ability to grow in terms of operational efficiency and managerial performance
improvements and have the ability in terms of taking the opportunities that exist
within the industry and can avoid the threat from outside. Kayan PT Putra Main
Coal industry moves at a pretty interesting and has the potential to grow. So that
the whole strength of companies can be used optimally. The products produced by
PT Putra Kayan Main Coal is unique and as a base material for other industrial
users, and therefore related diversification strategy can be applied such as
opening the energy companies are expected to expand and increase market
penetration into other industries.